W. Eugene Smith
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William Eugene Smith (December 30, 1918, Wichita, Kansas – October 15, 1978, Tucson, Arizona ) was an American photojournalist known for his refusal to compromise professional standards and his brutally vivid World War II photographs. Eugene William Smith (30 Desember 1918, Wichita, Kansas - 15 Oktober 1978, Tucson, Arizona ) adalah seorang Amerika wartawan foto terkenal karena penolakannya untuk berkompromi standar profesional dan hidup nya brutal Perang Dunia II foto.Contents Isi[hide] |
[ edit ] Life and work [ sunting ] Hidup dan bekerja
Smith graduated from Wichita North High School in 1936. Smith lulus dari Wichita North High School pada tahun 1936. He began his career by taking pictures for two local newspapers, The Wichita Eagle (morning circulation) and the Beacon (evening circulation). Beliau memulai karirnya dengan mengambil gambar untuk dua surat kabar lokal, The Wichita Eagle (sirkulasi pagi) dan Beacon (sirkulasi malam). He moved to New York City and began work for Newsweek and became known for his incessant perfectionism and thorny personality. Ia pindah ke New York City dan mulai bekerja untuk Newsweek dan menjadi terkenal karena kesempurnaan terus-menerus dan kepribadian berduri. Smith was fired from Newsweek for refusing to use medium format cameras and joined Life Magazine in 1939. Smith dipecat dari Newsweek karena menolak untuk menggunakan kamera medium format dan bergabung Life Magazine pada tahun 1939. He soon resigned from Life , too. Dia segera mengundurkan diri dari Life juga. In 1942 he was wounded while simulating battle conditions for Parade magazine. Pada tahun 1942 ia terluka saat mensimulasikan kondisi pertempuran untuk Parade majalah.As a correspondent for Ziff-Davis Publishing and then Life again, Smith entered World War II on the front lines of the island-hopping American offensive against Japan, photographing US Marines and Japanese prisoners of war at Saipan , Guam , Iwo Jima , and Okinawa . Sebagai koresponden untuk Ziff-Davis Publishing dan kemudian Hidup lagi, Smith memasuki Perang Dunia II di garis depan pulau-hopping serangan Amerika terhadap Jepang, memotret Marinir AS dan Jepang tawanan perang di Saipan , Guam , Iwo Jima , dan Okinawa . On Okinawa, Smith was hit by mortar fire. Di Okinawa, Smith terkena tembakan mortir. After recovering, he continued at Life and perfected the photo essay from 1947 to 1954. Setelah sembuh, ia melanjutkan di Hidup dan menyempurnakan esai foto 1947-1954.
In 1950, he was sent to the United Kingdom to cover the General Election , in which the Labour Party , under Clement Attlee , was narrowly victorious. Life had taken an editorial stance against the Labour government. Pada tahun 1950, ia dikirim ke Inggris untuk menutupi Pemilihan Umum , di mana Partai Buruh , di bawah Clement Attlee , adalah sempit telah menang. Hidup mengambil sikap editorial terhadap pemerintah Buruh. In the end, a limited number of Smith's photographs of working-class Britain were published, including three shots of the South Wales valleys. Pada akhirnya, dalam jumlah terbatas's foto Smith dari kelas pekerja Inggris diterbitkan, termasuk tiga tembakan dari South Wales lembah. In a documentary made by BBC Wales , Professor Dai Smith traced a miner who described how he and two colleagues had met Smith on their way home from work at the pit and had been instructed on how to pose for one of the photos [ 1 ] published in Life . Dalam sebuah film dokumenter yang dibuat oleh BBC Wales , Profesor Dai Smith menelusuri penambang yang menggambarkan bagaimana ia dan dua rekannya bertemu Smith dalam perjalanan pulang dari bekerja di pit dan telah diinstruksikan tentang cara berpose untuk salah satu foto [1] dipublikasikan dalam Kehidupan.
Smith severed his ties with Life over the way in which the magazine used his photographs of Albert Schweitzer . Smith memutuskan hubungan dengan Life atas cara di mana majalah menggunakan foto nya Albert Schweitzer . Upon leaving Life , Smith joined the Magnum photo agency in 1955. Setelah meninggalkan Life, Smith bergabung dengan agen foto Magnum pada tahun 1955. There he started his project to document Pittsburgh . Di sana ia memulai proyek untuk dokumen Pittsburgh . This project was supposed to take him three weeks, but spanned three years and tens of thousands of negatives. Proyek ini seharusnya membawanya tiga minggu, namun berjangka waktu tiga tahun dan puluhan ribu negatif. It was too large to ever be shown, although a series of book-length photo essays were eventually produced. Itu terlalu besar yang pernah ditampilkan, meskipun serangkaian esai foto buku-panjang akhirnya diproduksi.
From 1957 to 1965 he took photographs and made recordings of jazz musicians at a Manhattan loft. shared by David X. Young , Dick Cary and Hall Overton . [ 2 ] Dari 1957 sampai 1965 ia mengambil foto dan rekaman yang terbuat dari musisi jazz di Manhattan loteng. bersama oleh David X. Young , Dick Cary dan Hall Overton . [2]
In January 1972, Smith was attacked by Chisso employees near Tokyo , in an attempt to stop him from further publicizing the Minamata disease to the world [ 3 ] . Pada bulan Januari 1972, Smith diserang oleh Chisso karyawan di dekat Tokyo , dalam upaya untuk menghentikan dia dari jauh mempublikasikan penyakit Minamata untuk dunia [3] . Although Smith survived the attack, his sight in one eye deteriorated. Meskipun Smith selamat dari serangan itu, pemandangan di satu mata memburuk. Smith and his Japanese wife lived in the city of Minamata from 1971 to 1973 and took many photos as part of a photo essay detailing the effects of Minamata disease, which was caused by a Chisso factory discharging heavy metals into water sources around Minamata. Smith dan istrinya Jepang-nya tinggal di kota Minamata 1971-1973 dan mengambil banyak foto sebagai bagian dari esai foto merinci efek dari penyakit Minamata, yang disebabkan oleh sebuah pabrik Chisso pemakaian logam berat ke sumber-sumber air di sekitar Minamata. One of his most famous works, Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath , taken in December 1971 and published a few months after the 1972 attack, drew worldwide attention to the effects of Minamata disease. [ 4 ] Salah satu karyanya yang paling terkenal, Tomoko Uemura di Bath-Nya , diambil pada bulan Desember 1971 dan diterbitkan beberapa bulan setelah serangan 1972, menarik perhatian dunia terhadap dampak penyakit Minamata. [4]
Complications from his longterm consumption of drugs , notably Amphetamine (taken to enable his workaholic tendencies), and alcohol led to a massive stroke , from which Smith died in 1978. Komplikasi dari konsumsi jangka panjang tentang obat-obatan , terutama Amphetamine (diambil untuk mengaktifkan kecenderungan workaholic nya), dan alkohol menyebabkan besar stroke , dari yang Smith meninggal pada tahun 1978.
Smith was perhaps the originator and arguably the master of the photo-essay. Smith adalah pencetus dan mungkin bisa dibilang tuan esai-foto. In addition to Pittsburgh, these works include Nurse Midwife, Minamata , Country Doctor, and Albert Schweitzer - A Man of Mercy. Selain Pittsburgh, karya-karya termasuk Perawat Bidan, Minamata , Country Dokter, dan Albert Schweitzer - A Man of Mercy.
Today, Smith's legacy lives on through the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund [ 5 ] to promote "humanistic photography." Hari ini, warisan Smith tinggal di melalui Eugene W. Smith Memorial Fund [5] untuk mempromosikan "fotografi humanistik." Since 1980, the fund has awarded photographers for exceptional accomplishments in the field. Sejak tahun 1980, dana tersebut telah memberikan fotografer untuk prestasi yang luar biasa di lapangan.
[ edit ] Notable photographs [ sunting ] foto Terkemuka
- (1944) photograph [ 6 ] in which a wounded infant is found by an American soldier on Saipan (1944) foto [6] di mana bayi terluka ditemukan oleh seorang tentara Amerika di Saipan
- (1945) photograph [ 7 ] in which Marines blow up a Japanese cave on Iwo Jima , published on the cover of Life Magazine, April 9, 1945 (1945) foto [7] di mana Marinir meledakkan gua Jepang di Iwo Jima , yang diterbitkan pada penutup Life Magazine, April 9, 1945
- "The Walk to Paradise Garden" [ 8 ] (1946) single photo of his two children walking hand in hand towards a clearing in woods. "The Walk to Paradise Garden" [8] (1946) foto tunggal dari dua anaknya berjalan bergandengan tangan menuju kliring di hutan. It was the closing image in the groundbreaking 1955 MOMA exhibition, " The Family of Man ," [ 9 ] organized by Edward Steichen with 503 photographs, by 273 photographers from 68 countries, that he recognized as picturing "the essential oneness of mankind throughout the world [showing] the gamut of life from birth to death." Itu adalah gambar penutup di tahun 1955 terobosan MOMA pameran, " The Family of Man , " [9] yang diselenggarakan oleh Edward Steichen dengan 503 foto, oleh 273 fotografer dari 68 negara, bahwa ia diakui sebagai membayangkan "kesatuan penting dari umat manusia di seluruh dunia [menunjukkan], mulai kehidupan dari lahir sampai mati. "
- "Country Doctor" [ 10 ] (1948) photo essay on Dr. Ernest Ceriani in the small Colorado town of Kremmling . "Negara Dokter" [10] (1948) esai foto pada Dr Ernest Ceriani di kota Colorado kecil Kremmling . Credited as the first "photo story" of the modern photojournalism age. Dikreditkan sebagai "cerita foto" pertama zaman foto jurnalistik modern.
- Spanish Village [ 11 ] (1950) photo essay on the small Spanish town of Deleitosa. Spanyol Desa [11] (1950) foto esai tentang kota kecil Spanyol Deleitosa.
- "Nurse Midwife" (1951) photo essay on midwife Maude Callen in South Carolina. "Perawat Bidan" (1951) foto esai tentang bidan Maude Callen di South Carolina.
- A Man of Mercy [ 12 ] (1954) photo essay on Dr. Albert Schweitzer and his humanitarian work in French Equatorial Africa. A Man of Mercy [12] (1954) foto esai tentang Dr Albert Schweitzer dan kemanusiaan di Perancis Equatorial Afrika.
- " Pittsburgh " [ 13 ] (1955–1958) 3 year-long project on the city, hired initially by photo editor Stefan Lorant for a three-week assignment. " Pittsburgh " [13] (1955-1958) 3-panjang proyek tahun di kota, disewa awalnya dengan photo editor Stefan Lorant selama tiga minggu penugasan.
- Haiti 1958–1959 photo essay on a psychiatric institute in Haiti. Haiti 1958-1959 foto esai tentang sebuah lembaga psikiatri di Haiti.
- " Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath " (1971) the centerpiece photograph in Minamata , a long-term photo essay by Smith on the effects of mercury poisoning in the fishing village of Minamata , Kumamoto Prefecture , Japan (see Minamata disease ). " Tomoko Uemura di Her Bath "(1971) foto pusat di Minamata, sebuah istilah foto esai-panjang oleh Smith pada efek dari keracunan merkuri di desa nelayan di Minamata , Prefektur Kumamoto , Jepang (lihat penyakit Minamata ). The photograph depicts a mother cradling her severely deformed, naked daughter in a traditional Japanese bathing chamber. Foto menggambarkan seorang ibu menggendong sangat cacat, putri telanjang di kamar mandi tradisional Jepang. This has been withdrawn from circulation in accordance with the parents' wishes. [ 14 ] The photograph was the centerpiece of a Minamata disease exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan in 1974. [ 15 ] Ini telah ditarik dari peredaran sesuai dengan orang tua 'keinginan. [14] Foto ini adalah inti dari sebuah pameran penyakit Minamata diadakan di Tokyo, Jepang pada tahun 1974. [15]
[ edit ] Notes [ sunting ] Catatan
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Ratliff, Ben (March 10, 2005). "Tape Machine as a Fly on the Wall of Jazz" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/10/arts/music/10tape.html . ^ Ratliff, Ben (10 Maret, 2005). "Tape Machine sebagai Fly on Wall of Jazz" .. The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/10/arts/music/10tape . html . Retrieved April 9, 2010 . Diperoleh April 9, 2010.
- ^ Smith, pp94-95 ^ Smith, pp94-95
- ^ In 1997, the photo Tomoko Uemura in Her Bath was officially withdrawn from circulation at the request of Tomoko's family, and so it does not appear in recent anthologies of WE Smith's works. [1] ^ Pada tahun 1997, foto Tomoko Uemura di Bath-nya resmi ditarik dari peredaran atas permintaan keluarga Tomoko, dan sehingga tidak muncul dalam antologi terbaru karya Smith KAMI. [1]
- ^ Eugene Smith Fund | Overview ^ Eugene Smith Dana | Gambaran Umum
- ^ W EUGENE SMITH vintage photograph soldier with baby Alder Gallery Fine Art and Eugene Glass School 's Glass Galleries are proud to present original works in glass oil painting... ^ W EUGENE SMITH prajurit foto vintage dengan bayi Alder Galeri Seni Rupa dan Eugene Glass Sekolah 's Kaca Galeri bangga mempersembahkan karya-karya asli dalam minyak lukisan kaca ...
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Luxembourg Tourist Office in London - Clervaux ^ Luxembourg Tourist Office di London - Clervaux
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Masters of Photography: W. Eugene Smith ^ Masters Fotografi: W. Eugene Smith
- ^ Withdrawal: Sam Stephenson, W. ^ Penarikan: Sam Stephenson, W. Eugene Smith 55 (London: Phaidon, 2001), 14. Eugene Smith 55 (London: Phaidon, 2001), 14.
- ^ Jim Hughes (2000). "Tomoko Uemura, RIP" . http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue0007/hughes.htm . ^ Jim Hughes (2000). "Tomoko Uemura, RIP" . http://www.digitaljournalist.org/issue0007/hughes.htm . Retrieved 2007-11-12 . Diperoleh 2007/11/12.
[ edit ] References [ sunting ] Referensi
- Steichen, Edward. The Family of Man . Steichen, Edward. Keluarga Manusia. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1955. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1955.
- Smith, W. Eugene. W. Smith, W. Eugene. W. Eugene Smith: An Aperture Monograph afterword by Lincoln Kirstein. Eugene Smith: Sebuah Bukaan Monografi penutup oleh Lincoln Kirstein. New York: Aperture, 1969 New York: Aperture, 1969
- Smith, W. Eugene and Lincoln Kirsten. W. Smith, W. Eugene dan Kirsten Lincoln. W. Eugene Smith: His Photographs and Notes . Eugene Smith: Foto-Nya dan Catatan. New York: Aperture, 1973. New York: Aperture, 1973.
- Smith, W. Eugene. Let Truth be the Prejudice: W. Eugene Smith, His Life and Photographs . , W. Eugene. Smith Biarkan Kebenaran menjadi Prejudice: W. Eugene Smith, Hidup-Nya dan Foto. New York: Aperture, 1985. New York: Aperture, 1985.
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